Business & Investment Division in Divorce

The attorneys at Fullenweider Wilhite are dedicated to helping people who are going through a divorce and need to divide complex assets, including businesses and investments. We bring a combined two centuries of experience to the table to fight for the rights and interests of our clients and help them get the settlement they are seeking. Our record of proven results has made us one of the leading business division divorce law firms in the state.

Protecting Your Business Interests

Dividing businesses in a divorce require both legal and financial expertise. Our team of attorneys has the experience to navigate you through this process. We also work with financial professionals to ensure that our clients’ assets are properly valued before we start negotiating a settlement.

Because Texas is a community property state, there is a lot at stake in high-asset divorces. You need attorneys who understand the assets they’re dealing with. In addition to closely-held businesses, we also have experience with valuation and division of:

Investment portfolios are becoming increasingly more complex. Investment valuation for Texas divorces no longer just involves stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and annuities. They may include exchange-traded funds (ETFs), commodities, cryptocurrency, and offshore investments. That’s why you need experienced investment division divorce attorneys in Texas on your team.

While we’re known for being a complex asset and business division divorce law firm, we never forget the human side of divorce. Each one is unique. Whether you decide to settle your divorce through mediation, arbitration, or litigation, we’ll offer experienced guidance and, when needed, an assertive representation of your case.

Contact Us Today

If you need experienced investment valuation for a Texas divorce, talk to one of our attorneys and let us know what we can do for you. Call us at (713) 624-4100 or email to schedule a consultation. We offer video conferencing and phone consultations as well as in-person ones at both of our offices.

The law firm of Fullenweider Wilhite focuses exclusively in family law matters including divorce, complex asset division, valuations, property settlements, child custody, spousal support, and pre-and post-marital issues. Our team has the diversity to deliver the best mix of experience and knowledge to solve your specific legal needs, working diligently to ensure that you, your interests and your assets are protected to the fullest extent of the law.