Information for the medical device industry about fees related to devices, with links to supporting guidance and forms.
The Medical Device Licence Application Fees apply only to Class II, III and IV medical device licence applications. The following types of medical devices are exempt from medical device licensing and therefore no fees apply:
A Medical Device Establishment Licence (MDEL) is issued for activities of importing or distributing (selling) medical devices for human use in Canada. MDELs are also required for manufacturers of Class I medical devices that do not sell solely through a licensed Canadian importer or distributor. Fees are charged for the initial MDEL, subsequent annual licences and the reinstatement of a MDEL. The fees are applied equally to foreign and domestic establishments. Some are exempt MDEL fees.
Health Canada monitors medical devices on the Canadian market through post-market surveillance and compliance and enforcement activities. There is an annual fee for the Right to Sell a Class II, III, IV Medical Device.
Fees for regulatory activities related to human drugs (pharmaceutical and biological) are charged based on:
For all other medical devices guidance documents and forms for applications, please visit:
For information about paying invoices, refer to How to pay fees.