Campus Security Authority Incident Report

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This Campus Security Authority Incident Report form is intended as a guide to assist a Campus Security Authority (CSA) in gathering information for reporting, in compliance with California Education Code Sections 67380-67383 and the Clery Act.

If you are concerned for the safety of any of the involved parties or other members of the community, CALL 805-437-8444 IMMEDIATELY!

The Clery Act requires reporting of crimes without unnecessary delay. It is critical in incidents involving a violent crime, sexual assault, or hate crime (or attempts of these crimes) that the CSA ask victims if they wish to report the incident directly to the police for investigation. If so, the CSA must report the crime immediately or as soon as practicably possible, per the California Education Code. Call the VCCCD Police Department at 805-437-8444 and ask for an officer to contact you. In all cases, the VCCCD Police Department will assist, even if the crime occurred off campus. Neither the California Education Code nor the Clery Act require CSAs to report the names of victims or suspects.

NOTE : The CSA must also contact a Title IX Coordinator if the incident being reported is a sexual assault or any incident that involves prohibited sexual conduct.